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Quilted Patchwork Earth Day Jacket!

Growing up I heard the stories that our people are from the sea. I have a Connection to the sea. So when the beautiful fabric arrive from @robertkaufman all I could see was the ocean.

Partnered with Karen Nyberg Thread collection. I wanted to creqte a Sustainable Quilt. But my quilt took a turn when my quilt jackey ive had for years began to showcase wear and tear. Holes were developing on tge back so rather than tossing it to the fish like most gatmet waste goes. i decide to create a pathwork quilted design. I used half square triangles.

I was able to create an appliqué something that is super fun when highlighting shapes.

#AstroKarenn #EarthViewsFabric #KarenNybergEarthViews @astrokarenn @robertkaufman @aurifilthread

The Ocean is near and dear to me. I find refuge in it. As most of you know our oceans are dying there is tons of pollution overfishing and climate change just a name a few. My heart aches for a water because when something is challenging to us sometimes you have to go to a body of water to release it but people don’t hold this precious thing ou precious oceans at heart. we can reverse the damage if we start caring now. sustainability and recycling is the easiest way we can help our planet instead of throwing things away figure out a way to reuse them and don’t overbuy I know I have a hard time doing that.



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