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MY DIY Wedding Cookies

Easy wedding favor cookies!

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of planning my cousin's Bridal Shower. So I knew that after reviewing Pinterest I wanted to give guests beautiful sugar cookies. I began the journey to order a dozen cookies but my journey came to a screeching halt when I came across the prices. Prices range from 50.00 and up. Now please don't misunderstand me when I say ( 12 COOKIES FOR WHAT!!!WE talking about Cookies right????) So after I got over the shock of cookies costing way too much for something most people will throwout or take one bite or just leave behind! I thought I will bake some cookies and decorate them for myself. Mission: one dozen cookies, Budget $35.00 Max. So I did and here is my recipe/plan.

My first thought was Micheals because they have everything for pretty cookies. So off I went with 20.00 and a I picked up a few things from Sweet Sugar Belle I also used items from Wilton like their cookie icing which help a lot with out lining the cookies. I suggest you watch Sweet Sugar Belle and Wilton Youtube for tutorials it honestly help with my mission.

I purchase two packs of powder sugar, and pre-made sugar cookie dough. I followed the manufacturer's directions.( Sugar Belle has a easy recipe to follow to make sugar cookies here.) Some of the cookies were a fail but that was the whole reason I purchase two packs. And between the boys and hubby the weird cookies were all google up!

I purchased the cookie cutter from Micheal's Craft Store.

Outlining the cookies were pretty easy. It helped with the flooding. Key point I've learned!

And that was it! I used a to of Youtube videos to help me do it. Some may say they are not that beautiful. But GOD BLESS the family I have because they loved them. Like I said earlier most were eaten, two had bites in them and some left on the behind. And at the end of the night one lonely cookie was left on the table. But the Bride was happy and that all that matters to me! After all they are just cookies right!





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